
滝廉太郎 居住地跡 The former residence of the composer Rentaro Taki

滝廉太郎 居住地跡






平成17年8月 千代田区教育委員会

The former residence of the composer Rentaro Taki

 In place of about 100 meters to the west, Rentaro Taki has lived up to April 1901 from 1894 from around this intersection.

 Many masterpieces that have been passed down to sing even now to the people "Flower", "Kojonotsuki", "Hakone Hachiri", "New Year", and "Pigeon", it was made here.

 Rentaro Taki was born in Tokyo in 1879. Shows a talent for music from early childhood, in 1894, was admitted to the Tokyo Higher Normal School included music school special course. This is the Tokyo School of Music after. After graduating with honors, become assistant professor of his alma mater, he hit the guidance of the reverse.

 In 1901, and studied in Germany as students of the Ministry of Education, he learned to Leipzig National Music School.
 However, because it was sick, he returned home. Was recuperating under the parents, but he died June 29, 1903.

 Rentaro Taki is said to be the founder of the art song of Japan.

 In order to keep the memory that Rentaro Taki had been living in Ichiban-cho, and has been held that "remembering the Rentaro Taki" in late September every year.

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